Thursday, August 9, 2012

part two lock 8 and the pleasant motor to Quay 7

We got the call and we could proceed. The first lift bridge was flashing its red light, they knew we are getting ready to go, and it was starting to rise up. We cast off lines and quickly followed the MV Bear.  

  Everything has a light system as to when you can proceed. You do not move forward until you get green lights to go. If the green light is not displayed the ship must not pass the limit of approach.  Now we are only two pleasure craft on this run. One small tug boat  and one sail boat.  As a rule we would love a good stiff breeze BUT NOT NOW.  Lock 8 is the only lock you don’t tie up in. It is supposed to be a leisurely slow moving forward in the center. One of the lock personnel tosses up a book and a form to fill out and give to the Lock personnel in Lock 3 with our ticket.  All would be well except we really didn’t know we were in a lock and the wind was pushing us against the starboard side of the lock.   After leaving Lock 8 there is a ten mile run to the next lift bridge then two miles to lock 7. On the way we got a call from the Lock Master to tie up on the star board side at Quay 7 and wait for a ship to come up Lock 7 . WHAT- part 3
going under the first bridge
now that I look at it you can see the lock gate way at the
other end
this is just a leveling lock only about two feet down

lots of grain elevators - this one is Robin Hood Flour
see, other ships hit the docks - its not just us.
it was hot - we took the dodger down so Tom would have
easy access to the lines. We were thankful when the sun
went behind the clouds. Problem with drinking water is there are
no breaks when you get in the locks and always the sound
of running water
maybe its the heat - but it looks like a toy dog

bridge before lock 7 when we get the good news. The wind
is really kicking up  we get 19 to 20 kt gusts. 

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