Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday - day of sailing.

To day started out great- but last night - well we had some excitement. First our dingy decided to explore the shore line on its own. We were lucky to flag down a fishing boat and they gave a ride to Tom to fetch the run-away back. Now we tie it fore and aft.

So we settled down for the night when Tom looked out the hatch and saw the bow of our neighboring boat poking through our aft section and the was loud banging. So in the dark and cold we moved to another mooring - not the kind of excitement we needed.
Eric and Sue returning with Tom
Meghan is steering and Tom is offering pointers

Tom checking the sails
Sue enjoying the ride- but she was put to work helping to Jib the sails ( I think I got that right,)

Meghan, Eric and Sue at the bow.

We are still in Muskegon Lake - we did take a turn in Lake Michigan but the water was pretty rough so we came back in. Had lunch and chatted for a while.
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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much again for such a fun day!! I really love being by the water and in a boat. I may have to go to the library and get a boat on sailing just so I really understand how the magic of the wind and a sail really works. Have an enjoyable trip this week and keep the pictures and blog going!! Sue
