Thursday, June 2, 2011

day one on mooring

Hello everyone - well so far only a few glitches- started up motor and it worked like a charm. Tested the transmission - forward was reverse - so out of the water and our propeller was fixed. Now we are going forward again.  We have a few unexpected leaks, so Tom is spending a lot of time fixing this, that or another thing.  I have been scrubbing and scrubbing ever thing and organizing stuff that I will organize again. My sprint Hot spot works, slow but we do have internet.
Today is windy - but we are still getting things together. I think tomorror will be our first sailing day.
By the way making up the bed in a V berth is a pain - and it still looks rumpled.

this is our new home base #10

I scrubbed and scrubbed and believe me this is much better than it was

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1 comment:

  1. This is going to be so exciting! Do you have a plan for how far you are going? You're a "ginger" you have lots of sunscreen? Can't wait to share the stories and is very cool of you to "take us along". Hugs...
