Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday- first overnite on Cool Hand - the fantasy begins

Hello everyone
We spent our first night aboard (Thursday June 8th) - finally making the break from the house. Pillows, some of Tom's cloths, all our Meds. are safely stowed. Fix our dinner, getting back in the habit of turning the stove on and off.  Woke to a somewhat chilly morning - hope to be sailing this weekend.
dinner- Tom is chill'in

brought the Orchid plant on board, still need to put the African
violet on- have to have a little green.

Cool hand at dock

a family of swans came through - nine cygnets all peeping up
a storm following mom and dad

Tom securing the dingy

squeaky barn swallows - they say their song is melodic- not at
4 am 

mom and the brood

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  1. I can see that Tom looks so refreshed being on the boat. You guys are brave. I have looked at soem youtube videos of people sailing, it looks arduous.

  2. dad looks like he is trying to stab himself in the head in that first picture?
