Hello everyone, First to apologize about the missing pictures from the previous postings. Chalk it up to funky 3G coverage. I saw the pictures when it posted but apparently they did not completly transmit.
We woke in Frankfort to gray over cast skies that quickly started to descend, turning the landscape muted shades of gray. No wind, water calm so we decided to head out anyway. Hooray for motor sailing.

We woke in Frankfort to gray over cast skies that quickly started to descend, turning the landscape muted shades of gray. No wind, water calm so we decided to head out anyway. Hooray for motor sailing.
I love watching the swans. Frankfort has over a dozen along with geese and ducks.
We left the channel around 11 am and the fog limited visibility to less than a 1/2 mile. We got out our Radar deflector and hoisted it aloft. Intrepid as ever we proceed out watching for the fishing boats and anything else that was possible to run into.
This was going south, like crossing paths with a pirate ship. We did see folks on deck so I don't think it was a ghost ship.
A freighter past us and I happen to get this shot of the birds at the same time.
Finally we saw the light house for the island. Occasionally the sun tried to burn through the clouds and visibility was a little over a mile.
We got anchored in the cove, less than a hundred feet from shore. Got the dingy off the boat and went exploring.
Some of the plants on the island had some amazing growth patterns. The will to survive.
I found a fossil rock- to add to my collections of stuff.
pirate ship = AWESOME!