Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ludington to Frankfort - Monday and Tuesday

We left Ludington around 11am on Monday. Sky was crystal blue- not a cloud in sight, we had a fair wind around 8kts.

We rounded the point around 2pm- the wind was picking up, waves were 2+ feet. We were sailing with auto pilot on. Time to read, Knit and take some cat naps.

Ok, there were a few things out in the water to distract me. There were several bobbing flags??? Yes we were on a tilt, so I did not straighten the picture. It is difficult to keep the camera focused. I have lots of pictures of parts of things, sky, deck, water, blurry something.

Getting a little bored here. so before I cleared I the spider webs and a few spiders I took these pictures.

The waves were coming from the south west pushing us forward and rolling us up to the side. Winds picked up to 10+ so we put a reef in the main sail.

Finally we had Frankfort Point Betsey light house in sight. The waves were around 3' + and Tom had to fight to get us through and into the channel. We still had our main up but also the new engine helped immensely. We heard a tour boat got hit by a wave breaking the windshield and taking out their power. Again we made it to safe harbor with out incident.

Rubicon was waiting for us. I was aching and had a headache. Walt had Tom over for Lasagna and sent some back for Me- It was Delicious. We were anchored our for the night.

Rubicon moved on the next morning, heading south and back home.

Ok getting board again. We took a slip in the Frankfort Municipal marina. Every were we go there are plants getting in the anchor line and making a brownish green slimmy film on our boat. The anchor we brought up was covered in muck mud and stringy grass.

Lots of ducks
 There is a mink living near by. I love seeing all this wild life.
Posted by PicasaWell folks, Wednesday is Laundry day, putting in supplies and avoiding the storm that is suppose to come through. Tomorrow(thursday)  if the winds are fair we will strike out again going further north.

1 comment:

  1. Orange flags are fish net stakes, in case you didn't know. Give them a bit of room, or you could snag a prop on them. Nice pics of Rubicon in the harbor. Enjoy the rest of your trip, and keep posting. You look like you're having a great adventure, and bringing back some great memories of ports visited in our past.
