Saturday, July 30, 2011

South Manitou Island to Northport Friday

The next few pictures were taken at the Frankfort Municipal Marina. They are left over from our down day on Thursday. I finally got a picture of the Mink that was running in the rocks in front of our boat.                                                                               


The water was reflecting the blue on the side of the dock- I think it is a pretty neat picture.

Back on the Island and this is sunset - cloud formation looked a little like a big giant bird.

Sunrise and sky has cleared up, water still, only the sound of the gently swish of waves on the shore, and the cry of the gulls.

We took the dingy over to the Light House. I need to thank the park rangers stationed there. Regular tour hours are in the after noon and it was 10am. He gave Tom and I a tour along with a father and son who were camping on the Island. Now that the fog is gone the climb was worth it.

The beach has long rows and mounds of thousands of shells.

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1 comment:

  1. you have some great pictures of dad...where are the pictures of you? and I love the duck and shell pictures!
