Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Muskegon to White Lake

Hello everyone, sorry about the other post, must be the Internet connections and the pictures did not completely download. Saturday our adventure began. We met Rubicon, another Pearson 40 in Muskegon Lake, filled up and pumped out and started down the channel. The weather was iffy- it already had rained that morning, winds light, rolling waves but off we went. This is Rubicon behind us.

Monarch joined us and in the lite winds both put up their spinnakers. We don't have one on board so they quickly over took us.

We ended up motoring for an hour and made White Lake between 3 and 4.  Dropping anchor in front of the White Lake Yatch club we settled in and received visitors from Monarch. Later we took a dingy ride to the Yatch club and got Ice Cream. Not bad for the first day.

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