Just a few words about Elizabeth City NC. -- Well a few words won't do it- there are several Marinas there but why! the city has finger piers and a long wall for boaters to tie up at. People in the park come and help you, even the ex-mayor was down to lend a hand. There are free bike to use. We needed propane and they drove Tom to have the tank filled. They have a Rose Buddies reception for new arrivals when there are more than 4 boats, we were part of 14 arriving. There was a quilt store within walking distance (Christmas fabric for ornaments I am making) and great restaurants.
We woke anxious to be off, Sandy is roaring up the Atlantic and we wanted to be tied down. Besides we had heard that crossing the Albemarle Sound can be dicey in bad weather. We had glass, no wind, fog shrouding the land, and a fiery sun rise- a photographers dream. I have over 300 photographs, here are just a few.
Everyone wanted an early start - some were going further south that we were |
Elizabeth City, NC in the early morning light |
Sun rise as we were leaving |
Heavy fog on land - but the water was clear. |
U. S. Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City was commissioned
on August 15, 1940 with four officers, 52 enlisted men and ten aircraft. The
old Holowell Plantation near Elizabeth City was selected by the Coast Guard in
1938 for its potential strategic value as a seaplane base. During World War II,
the Air Station was under U. S. Navy control conducting Search and Rescue
(SAR), anti-submarine and training missions. Since then the Air Station's
missions and assigned aircraft have shifted and grown with changing national
priorities and technologies. In 1966 Air Station Elizabeth City expanded after
absorbing the Air Stations in Bermuda and Argentina. In addition to the Air
Station, Elizabeth City's Coast Guard complex includes the Aircraft Repair and
Supply Center (AR&SC), Aviation Technical Training Center (ATTC),
Support Center, and Boat Station Elizabeth City.
TCOM is the only LTA
company in the world with a facility devoted to aerostat and airship
manufacture, assembly, flight test and training operations. This facility is
located near Elizabeth City, NC, approximately a one hour drive south from
Norfolk, VA.
Our facility's most prominent feature is an
enormous all-weather metal hangar flanked by a paved flight operations area. At
a length of 300 meters, the hangar can accommodate six fully inflated 71M®
aerostats. The 500-ton clamshell doors allow ingress and egress of vehicles up
to 150 feet in height.
Double Crested Cormorant |
crab boat |
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