Saturday, February 2, 2013

Flowers, trees, animals and Birds Ardastra Gardens and Zoo, Nassau

After our tour of the Fort we descended a steep hill and walked up the street to the Ardastra Gardens and Zoo. This a 5 1/2 acre part jungle part garden that exhibits native plants and animals as well as some from different countries. They had a sign for a North American Raccoon but he was not at home when we went by his enclosure. The Trees are very old, with vines twined around the trunks, orchids established both at eye level and further up in the canopy  Flamingos and Peacocks walk the same paths as visitors and I got a treasure trove of feathers to add to my collection.  
We arrived just after noon, and did the rounds, I got some wonderful pictures and videos of the birds. Tom especially like the up close and personal interaction with the Parrots, Macaws and Cockatoos. 
Not surprisingly I took over 400 pictures so this will be a three page edition of our trip. 
I have tried to identify and give some facts for the photographs included but in a couple of cases no information was available.

these were in bloom all through the park - no
plaque to identify. If anyone knows please  let me know
A tree just outside the entrance - the branches are twisted
in a uniquformation

/Bahama Pintail duck
/Austrailian Black Swan
A male swan is a Cob, Female is a pen
young swans are cygnets
Ring Tailed Lemur

There was a petty zoo - no animals or birds labeled
This turtle was there 
Slender Tailed Meerkat
This lizard never moved - I have four photos taken
and hour and a half apart and he is in the same position
The word "iguana" is derived from a Spanish form of the original Taino name for the species, iwana.[1]

an attendant was cleaning this cage
At first I thought the Iguana was attacking the
as you can see it was the other way around
Capybara - worlds largest rodent
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